Характеристики продукта
With fast lifting speeds, roading speeds of up to 24 mph (38.6 km/h), lifting capacities of up to 8,000 lbs and a slew of unique features that keep loads level and operators comfortable, the high-performance, Tier 4 Final 588H forklift truly does raise the bar. Without a disruptive third mast, our wide-channel, dual-mast design gives it unmatched visibility. We’ve also maintained a low-profile hood with our Tier 4 Final engine for a clear view behind the machine. Even at top lift heights, a perforated steel canopy gives operators clear vision without the neck-straining need to lean forward.
The CASE 586H and 588H increase productivity and efficiency with industry-leading lift speed and dependable, high-performing lift capacities. These rough terrain forklifts are able to operate in a variety of terrains with the optional 4 four-wheel drive and standard differential lock. No need to worry about your load, CASE offers maximum travel capabilities with their 60° of mast tilt and optional load control. If operating in tight areas is a concern, the 588H features a narrow zero-tail swing design, meaning if the rear tires clear it, the rear of the machine will as well. CASE rough terrain forklifts feature an industry standard ITA class 3 carriage and forks allowing a wide range of aftermarket attachments.
Fuel Efficiency
These forklifts feature a simple, cost-effective Tier 4 Final solution. The 74 horsepower, 3.4 liter FPT engine uses a Дизельный окислительный каталитический нейтрализатор (DOC) to deliver a minimum of 5% better fuel efficiency than our previous models and faster response times while meeting current environmental standards.
Comfort and Visibility
Without a disruptive third mast, our wide-channel, dual-mast design gives the H Series unmatched visibility. A narrow operating console further help increase front view so operators can confidently secure materials and a low-profile hood provides a clear view behind the machine. The large operating platform provides ample room for any operator. Add the optional deluxe suspension and load control for a comfortable ride on any terrain.
From tool-free swing-out access doors and spin-on filters, to ground-level site gauges and grouped service points, you can do daily maintenance in a matter of minutes. It’s the easiest way to help you get the most performance and longest life out of your machine. Axles are also easily serviced without complete disassembly for easy upkeep.
Base & Extended Warranty Coverage
1-Year/Unlimited-Hour Full-Coverage Base Limited Warranty
2-Year /2,000-Hour Extended Engine Warranty
Engine Warranty - Warrants all internal, lubricated parts that are captured between the valve cover and oil pan, cylinder block and head, exhaust manifold, front cover and flywheel housing, turbocharger, engine oil cooler and water pump.
Drive Train Warranty - Drive (flex) plates / flywheel, drive axle assembly, drive couplings, drive shafts / universal joints, final drive / planetary, hydraulic drive motor, hydraulic drive pump, hydraulic pump when used as a power source for drive pump or drive motor, propulsion planetary drive, pump drive coupling, pump drive gearbox, seals in idlers and rollers, swing reducer transmission, torque converter, track steering brakes and clutch, transfer gear group, transmission charge pump, transmission / transmission control valve, transmission electronic controller, trencher drive gearbox, turntable bearing / swing gear / hydraulic swivel, and wet brakes / wet clutch.
Purchased Protection
Purchased Protection Plan is an extension of the factory base and extended coverage available at an additional cost. Your CASE dealer can help you determine the plan that fits your needs. Plans are available up to six-years / 7,500 hours on CASE Forklift models.
Please see your CASE dealer for limitations, exclusions, and confirmation of policies in effect. The CASE Warranty remains in effect during the Warranty Period if the owner performs the required maintenance at the recommended intervals outlined in the product’s operator’s manual and the unit is operated within its rated capacity. Genuine CASE service parts or CASE approved service parts that meet CASE specifications must be used for maintenance and repairs.
Параметр продукта
- FPT 3,4 л Дизельное топливо
- Охлажденные EGR
- Дизельный окислительный каталитический нейтрализатор
- Масляный фильтр двигателя полного потока
- Очиститель воздуха: сменный сухой тип с радиальным уплотнением
- Радиатор с деаэрационной бутылкой
- Антифриз до -34 ° F (-37 ° C)
- Ножная дроссель
- Саморегулирующийся ремень
- 15 футов Мачта 2 468 фунтов (1 120 кг)
- 22 фута Мачта 3 183 фунта (1 444 кг)
- Шестеренный насос-24 гал/мин @ 3000 фунтов на квадратный дюйм (91 л/мин @ 207 бар)
- Сверхмощный гидравлический масляный охладитель
- 7 микрон, спин-на масляном фильтре
Оператор Окружающая среда
- ROPS/FOPS сертифицированный защитный навес
- 2 галогенные фары
- 2 задних галогенных рабочих фонаря
- Широкая прогулка по платформе
- Виниловое сиденье
- Ремень безопасности 2 дюйма (51 мм)
- Формованные передние крылья
- Датчики: счетчик часов, обороты двигателя, температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя, температура трансмиссионного масла, таймер работы, уровень топлива
- Предупреждающие огни: ограничение воздухоочистителя, генератор переменного тока, холодный запуск, давление масла в двигателе, обход гидравлического масляного фильтра, включение стояночного тормоза, температура охлаждающей жидкости двигателя, напряжение аккумулятора
- Звуковая сигнализация: температура охлаждающей жидкости, давление масла в двигателе, включение стояночного тормоза, температура масла конвертера, резервное копирование, рог
- Передняя ось, как выбрано:
- 2/4WD сверхмощный внедорожный планетарный привод с шинами 19,5 L x 24
- Rear axle: 2WD heavy-duty front axle with 12 L x 16.5 tires 4WD heavy-duty mechanically driven rear axle, with 12 L x 16.5 tires
- 4F-4R Шаттл синхронизации передач
- Преобразователь крутящего момента
- На ходу электрическое управление 4WD
- Электрическое управление F/R челноком
- Электрическое управление блокировкой дифференциала с кнопкой активации
- Парковочный тормоз, пружинный, гидравлический
- Доступ к двигателю с боковой панели
- Передние/задние посадки
- Светоотражающие логотипы
- Только навес: 2 передние фары дальнего света, 2 задние галогенные рабочие огни