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Roady PMT260 Асфальтосмесительная установка

Характеристики продукта
Высокоточное взвешивание
ПМТ is a new measurement technique of domestic original, each aggregate separate "reduce static measurement", synchronous measurement, impulse value constant;
Asphalt weighing "rough weighing, accurate discharge ", flow reduction method of measurement, real time tracking the "asphalt aggregate ratio".
Технология смешивания в Европе
Using the European big circulation, stereo boiling, mixing efficiency is high, hot mix distribution evenly
Большой объем горячего бункера
Hot bin capacity is huge, ensure that the cylinder timely feeding requirements; hot aggregate storage up to 160 tons. According to the demand from mixer, can discharge and mix directly.
Высокая пропускная способность
ПМТ parallel measurement is called at the same time measurement for all materials, shorten the cycle batch time at same conditions, effectively guarantee capacity is high.
Голос Интеллектуальный
Roady company developed the intelligent voice system firstly in domestic. Within this system, various operation will be operated (according to customer demand for dialect), humanized operation significantly; control technology is advanced.
Система управления.
Control system adopts high-speed "Industrial Ethernet" network control technology, synchronous production and management, achieve the seamless connected between operation and control, improve measurement accuracy and control speed;
Independent two computers, and latest generation system with double languages dynamic man-machine interface. Can achieve formula input, storage, time adjustment, compensate correction, fault self diagnosis, fault alarm, real-time help, interlock protection; operating system with fault tips, lubrication warning system.
ПМТ is a new measurement technique of domestic original, each aggregate separate "reduce static measurement", synchronous measurement, impulse value constant;
Asphalt weighing "rough weighing, accurate discharge ", flow reduction method of measurement, real time tracking the "asphalt aggregate ratio".
Технология смешивания в Европе
Using the European big circulation, stereo boiling, mixing efficiency is high, hot mix distribution evenly
Большой объем горячего бункера
Hot bin capacity is huge, ensure that the cylinder timely feeding requirements; hot aggregate storage up to 160 tons. According to the demand from mixer, can discharge and mix directly.
Высокая пропускная способность
ПМТ parallel measurement is called at the same time measurement for all materials, shorten the cycle batch time at same conditions, effectively guarantee capacity is high.
Голос Интеллектуальный
Roady company developed the intelligent voice system firstly in domestic. Within this system, various operation will be operated (according to customer demand for dialect), humanized operation significantly; control technology is advanced.
Система управления.
Control system adopts high-speed "Industrial Ethernet" network control technology, synchronous production and management, achieve the seamless connected between operation and control, improve measurement accuracy and control speed;
Independent two computers, and latest generation system with double languages dynamic man-machine interface. Can achieve formula input, storage, time adjustment, compensate correction, fault self diagnosis, fault alarm, real-time help, interlock protection; operating system with fault tips, lubrication warning system.
Параметр продукта
Технический индекс | ПМТ260 |
Номинальная производственная мощность | 260т/ч |
Общая мощность | 710 кВт |
Кол-во холодного бункера | 5 |
Объем холодного бункера | 10 м & sup3; |
Горелка | 21,3 МВт |
Топливо | Легкое топливо, тяжелое топливо, природный газ |
Вибрационный экран | 6 слоев |
Объем горячего бункера | 90 м и суп3; |
Метод взвешивания | ПМТ |
Объем смесителя | 3000кг |
Новый силос наполнителя | 53 м & sup3; |
Силосы для присадок | mdash; |
Регенерированный силос наполнителя | 25м и суп3; |
Легкий масляный бак | 10 м & sup3; |
Асфальтовые цистерны | 3 & раз; 50 м и суп3; |
Тяжелый масляный бак | 2 & раз; 50 м и суп3; |
Система нагрева горячего масла | 750 000 калорий/час |