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LiaoYuan Machinery CMB40 ~ CMB120 Асфальтосмесительная установка

LiaoYuan Machinery CMB40 ~ CMB120 Асфальтосмесительная установка

Характеристики продукта

structure schematic view of supermobile continuous asphalt plant

  • 1. Холодные питатели

  • 2. Сушильный барабан с параллельным потоком

  • 3. Автомобильное шасси

  • 4. Пылеуловитель

  • 5. Громкий конвейер

  • 6. Контрольная комната

  • 7. Битумный бак (необязательно)

В силу 20-летнего опыта проектирования и производства асфальтовые заводы Ляоюань известны производительностью, эффективностью и долговечностью. Серия CMB, специально исследованная и разработанная для регионов, где высокая мобильность пользуется спросом, не является исключением.

Подробная информация

Continuous hypermobile asphalt plant

1. Вся производственная линия только в одном или двух мобильных устройствах
①Continuous integrated mobile type, ideal for all types of projects. The whole production line in only one mobile unit reflects lower transport costs, and lower investment of the plant and freight package; easy adaptation to different construction sites, low complexity for installation, less mobilization and assembly time.
②Heavy duty components with long service life.
③Intelligent fault diagnosis system.
④Free random accessories, easy access to wear elements.

Drying & Mixing Drum with Burner

2. Эффективность потребления топлива
①The repeatedly optimized design of the lifting blade and the stainless steel insulation layer can effectively reduce the heat loss of the drying drum, save fuel consumption and greatly improve the thermal efficiency.
②The burning zone of the drying drum adopts wear-resistant and heat-resistant materials with long service life.
③Gas secondary ignition, high reliability of ignition.
④Unique purge pipeline, effectively prevent oil circuit blockage.

Control system

3. Система управления с переключаемыми режимами работы
①The system will alert the operator if he needs to intervene or switch the plant into a safe state in case of emergency.
②Auto and manual operation mode are available, and the operator can switch to manual operation at any time.
③Online fault detection helps the operator troubleshoot malfunction with no difficulty.
④Intuitive display of all process control parameters and optimized operation flow ensure total reliability and superior performance.
⑤The wall of the control cabin is made of color steel plate, jacketed by double-layer thermal insulation and sound insulation.
⑥All the main electrical components adopted in the console are of world-famous brands like Siemens, enjoying interlocking and secondary protection function.
⑦The control cabin comes with a split air conditioner and a folding ladder.

Dust Collection System

4. Пылеуловитель со складным дымоходом
①Water mist formed inside the dust collector by 6 clog-free large stainless steel spray nozzles is able to meet minimum water make-up requirements.
②The damper of the induced draft fan can be automatically adjusted to formulate the constant negative pressure, helping achieve optimum cleaning efficiency.
③Aside from the water mist, water film and cyclone dust filtration techniques also contribute to a very good entrapping of the dust-laden exhaust gas.
④The chimney can be folded to one side of the dust collector when the asphalt plant is ready for transportation, reducing the unexpected risk due to height.

cold feeders of supermobile Hot mix plant

5. Холодные питатели с масштабом пояса
①The underfeeding alarm will sound in case of aggregates shortage.
②Automatic wall vibrator can avoid materials adherence on the steep wall of fine aggregate hopper.
③Individual belt scale beneath each hopper ensures the dosing of aggregates aligned with the preset proportion.
④Synchronous proportional automatic control will be done due to variable frequency conversion speed control.
⑤Protection grid at top of each hopper effectively buffers the shock from aggregates flow and meanwhile screens oversize aggregates.
⑥Side idler and rubber sweeper are employed to keep the aggregates supplying more fluent and prolong the service life of the belt.
⑦The plates connected with the top of hoppers, able to flip upside down, increase the volume of aggregate feeding.


6. Сушильный барабан с параллельным потоком
①The stainless steel insulation layer effectively reduce the heat loss, improving the thermal efficiency to the largest extent.
②The burning zone of the drying drum adopts wear-resistant and heat-resistant materials with long service life.
③Continuous mixing ensures extra-high production efficiency of the whole plant.
④More realible two-stage ignition system is employed.
⑤World famous dual-fuel burners are available for option, with combustion efficiency guaranteed.

automotive chassis of supermobile asphalt mixing plant

7. Автомобильное шасси с прочной структурой
①It’s made of low-alloy high-strength steel with a large cross-sectional area, owning good strength and rigidity.
②Double axle assembly and eight wheels enable itself to shoulder a huge payload.
③Centralized lubrication makes the originally annoying lubricating work more convenient.
④The supporting legs are solid, and the contact surface with the ground is large so that the uneven ground can be overcomed.

load out conveyor for supermobile hot mix plant

8. Нагрузочный конвейер с тяговой цепью
①The drag conveyor is fully enclosed not only to avoid heat loss but to minimize the contamination of the surrounding environment caused by the asphalt fume.
②Secondary mixing can be realized thanks to the drag chain conveyor, making the asphalt mixture more uniform.
③The mixture is dragged by scraping and hence all the fines are conveyed and not lost.

bitumen tank for hrpermobile asphalt plant

9. Бак для хранения битума (необязательно)
①Two kinds of bitumen tanks are available. The hot oil heated tanks are supplied with a thermic oil heater. The direct heating tanks are supplied with a burner.
②All bitumen tanks are supplied with auto thermostatic controls and level indicators.
③Provided with automotive chassis, the bitumen tank is also easy to move as one mobile unit.
④Storage capacities range from 20t to 30t.

Параметр продукта

МодельВместимостьСушильный и смесительный барабанРасход топливаТемпература горячего асфальтаВыбросы в атмосферуМощность установкиОбщий весРазмер транспортного государстваЗона покрытия растений
КМБ4040 т/ч1200 * 5000ммрасход дизельного топлива: 6,5 кг/т130 -165 (регулируемое)≤ 100 мг/Нм ³63,55 кВт26 т17,1 м * 3,09 м * 4 м (L * W * H)17м * 37м * 5.5м (Л * В * Х)
КМБ6060 т/ч1500 * 6500ммрасход дизельного топлива: 6,5 кг/т130 -165 (регулируемое)≤ 100 мг/Нм ³99,5 кВт30 т20м * 3.09м * 4м (Л * В * Х)17м * 37м * 5.5м (Л * В * Х)
КМБ8080 т/ч1500 * 6650ммрасход дизельного топлива: 6,5 кг/т130 -165 (регулируемое)≤ 100 мг/Нм ³115 кВт40 т23м * 3.09м * 4м (Л * В * Х)17м * 37м * 5.5м (Л * В * Х)
КМБ100100 т/ч1500 * 7500ммрасход дизельного топлива: 6,5 кг/т130 -165 (регулируемое)≤ 100 мг/Нм ³167 кВт55 т23м * 3.09м * 4м (Л * В * Х)17м * 37м * 5.5м (Л * В * Х)
КМБ120120 т/ч1800 * 8000ммрасход дизельного топлива: 6,5 кг/т130 -165 (регулируемое)≤ 100 мг/Нм ³226 кВт70 т23м * 3.09м * 4м (Л * В * Х)17м * 37м * 5.5м (Л * В * Х)

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